Developing a map of digital connectivity infrastructure in the city to help plan future network development and ensure affordable, world-class connectivity for all.

Improving our city’s digital infrastructure can help to improve connectivity for more residents, ensure the equitable distribution of digital assets, and even reduce our carbon emissions!  
To achieve positive change, we first need to understand what Manchester’s digital infrastructure looks like. Working with key stakeholders, the Digital Asset Mapping project aims to visualise the location, ownership, assets, and speeds of telecommunication operations throughout the city through geospatial mapping. This means that we will be able to see which areas have the best connectivity, and which are in greater need of digital support.  

Having the right digital mapping tools in place will equip us with powerful knowledge of our city’s telecommunications infrastructure that will be of benefit to all services within Manchester City Council. Alongside improving future project planning and economic development, the asset map could enable services to deliver targeted interventions in areas that would benefit the most from their support. Our hope is to not only to improve the lives of residents by enhancing connectivity in places with poorer connection, but to become a more environmentally friendly, sustainable and resilient city through reducing the unnecessary construction of digital assets.  

“To achieve positive change, we first need to understand what Manchester’s digital infrastructure looks like.”

Data is powerful, and the future benefits of the project could also extend to people in our city.  Granting open access to data is not only more inclusive but could improve quality of life for people in Manchester, empowering businesses and residents to make informed decisions about the travel routes they take, the services they use, and where they live and work. Information from the project could also be used to identify previously overlooked areas for development and regeneration, and inspire community led solutions to local challenges. 
Through developing tools to inform our decision making, we can work together to create a future in which everybody can flourish.


Advanced Wireless


Digital Design Guide