SITEMAP #DoingDigitalTogether means making it easy for everyone to explore our Strategy. Our sitemap lays out all our website content, helping you navigate our projects, people and values. Doing Digital Together HOMEManchester’s Digital Strategy HomeABOUTThe Strategy Our TeamWorking Together PROJECTSProjectsDigital Inclusion x XMADigital Exclusion Heat MapCommunity Wi-FiAdvanced Wireless Digital Asset MappingDigital Design GuideLeveraging Street FurnitureAI for All International EventsPeople’s Panel for AITech for Good DiscoveryTech Hubs Ecosystem MappingTech Hubs Working GroupDigital SustainabilityGreen Data CentresTHEMESRemarkable People, Extraordinary OpportunitiesConnecting Places, Enhancing LivesPioneering the Future, Prosperity for AllRising to Challenges, Future-Proofing Our CityLIBRARYAI for All AgendaBlogs & Case StudiesBulletin ArchiveIn the NewsGET INVOLVEDEventsCommuniCity ChallengesCONTACTContact Manchester’s Digital Strategy Let’s Get Digital HOMELet’s Get Digital HomeABOUTDigital Inclusion Action PlanOur Digital Inclusion WorkPartnersPartner ProfilesNorth Manchester Community PartnershipCommunity ComputersEast Manchester CircleDIGITAL INCLUSION SUPPORTGet Help With DigitalLet’s Get Digital BlogGet Involved with Let’s Get DigitalQR Code Landing PageUseful Resources