Together we can make Manchester a leading global digital city by 2026. Find out how we’ve been working with people across Manchester by exploring our blogs!
International Digital Rights Days: A Conversation with Reina Yaidoo
Our interview with Reina Yaidoo explores how engaging communities in the co-creation and development of new technologies could help us to protect digital rights.
International Digital Rights Days: A Conversation With Dr. Richard Whittle
Learn more about the impact AI could have on privacy, decision-making and autonomy in our interview with Dr. Richard Whittle, an expert in online decision making.
International Digital Rights Day: A Conversation With Christopher Northen
Our video interview with Christopher Northen explores why access to the Internet is key to safeguarding human rights online.
Placement Reflections - The Experience of our Interns
Interns Hyeran and Chiara share their thoughts on their placement experience with the Manchester Digital Strategy!