Pitch Perfect: Fostering Innovation in Manchester’s Tech Hubs
Cohorts from tech hubs DISH and Exchange smile for the camera.
Two hours before this photo was taken, most of the people in it had delivered a business pitch at gunpoint*.
(*That’s nerf gunpoint. The Digital Strategy hasn’t taken an incomprehensibly violent turn).
To reassure our readers, it’s best to backtrack.
With over 10,000 tech & digital businesses, Manchester’s digital economy is one of the fastest growing in Europe. Recognised as the number one regional tech city & the biggest tech hub outside of London, Manchester’s tech economy is valued at over £5bn.
Our city is set apart by its spirit of community: a belief that working collaboratively, rather than in silos, can drive better results for everyone.
Banish images of the Machiavellian business leaders cackling in glee as others crash and burn. A culture of collaboration underlies the surface competition. While every business strives for its own success, they also uplift others to achieve the same goals.
Manchester’s tech hubs are vital to sustaining this culture. Through providing early-stage businesses with the developmental support needed to succeed, hubs play an essential role in diversifying & driving the growth of our city’s tech economy.
As part of a regular working group, the Digital Strategy collaborates closely with Manchester's tech hubs. Over the last few months we've been proud to contribute to the development of an innovative joint pitch event between DISH & Exchange.
The idea?
To offer entrepreneurs an opportunity to gain constructive feedback on their pitches, & to share ideas and experiences with others on similar journeys.
Plus the chance to be executed by nerf gun for exceeding the 5-minute maximum pitch mark.
(Don't panic! All pitch-ees escaped receiving feedback in projectile form.)
Alongside that dash of mischief, the event offered an insight into the incredible opportunities that tech hubs provide to Manchester’s businesses; the uniquely creative ideas of our entrepreneurs; and the advantages of sharing experiences & expertise with those working in the same space.
As part of the event's judging panel - alongside Stuart Coulson, Sam Royle & Mark Kuhillow - it was a privilege to hear so many creative, novel, needed ideas. From an app to combat workplace loneliness to software making content more inclusive for audiences world-wide, each pitch revealed new possibilities for Manchester.
What difference could these businesses make to the lives of people in our city if afforded the right support to achieve success?
By working together, we can create new opportunities for innovation; broaden the support available; & build a more successful, resilient & inclusive digital economy.
A huge thanks to all the incredible entrepreneurs that took part, and to Rich (Exchange), Stuart Coulson (DISH) & Emma Marshall & Alliah Rust (Plexal) for their organisational prowess.
We can’t wait to see what the future brings – & for the next event!