Together we can make Manchester a leading global digital city by 2026. Find out how we’ve been working with people across Manchester by exploring our blogs!
Pitch Perfect: Fostering Innovation in Manchester’s Tech Hubs
Working collaboratively, rather than in silos, can drive better results for everyone.
Guest Blog: How Social Prescribing Can Support Digital Connectivity
What difference could a laptop make to a life?
A Digital Lifeline: How Barnabus is Using Technology to Support People Experiencing Homelessness
Digital connectivity can be a key survival need for people experiencing homelessness.
Bridging the Digital Divide: Helping Families to Overcome Digital Exclusion in Manchester
What are the real consequences of digital exclusion for children in Manchester?
Digital Advantage Placements: Supporting Neurodiverse Talent
To build a digital future that benefits everyone, it’s crucial we embrace a diverse range of voices.
Guest Blog: How Manchester is Developing its Digital Skills - Why Volunteer?
How can digital volunteers overcome exclusion and empower local communities?