Improving our understanding of the scale of digital exclusion in Manchester to better align services to people and communities most in need of support.

Digital exclusion can be profoundly harmful to a person’s life. Our connections with other people and our ability to participate in society, can shape the sense of our self-worth, our confidence, and our value to the wider world. People without access to the online world risk being isolated in an increasingly digitised society, lacking the benefits afforded to those with the resources, skills, and knowledge to successfully navigate the Internet.

In order to more effectively tackle digital exclusion, it is vital we understand the key barriers to digital access and the areas most in need of support. In collaboration with Greater Manchester Combined Authority, the Digital Exclusion Heatmap project aims to unify digital inclusion tools within Power BI, a business analytics service developed by Microsoft. By incorporating Power BI’s robust tools, we aim to better visualise the areas and individuals most at risk of exclusion to better target interventions and resources for digital inclusion.

Tackling digital exclusion will not be achieved by working in isolation. Consolidating existing digital exclusion mapping tools on the Power BI dashboard could improve collaboration between local authorities, health partners, businesses, and charities. By providing a platform that encourages shared access to easily comprehensible and visual data, we can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the distribution of existing support within the city and the specific barriers existing in regions of particularly high risk.

For a grandmother living alone, using the Internet could mean connecting with family across the world and combatting loneliness. For a person living with disabilities, digital connectivity could mean access to the vital services needed to improve their everyday quality of life. For a young carer struggling to leave the house regularly, online arts platforms could provide access to culture and entertainment from which they would otherwise be cut off. Access to the digital world has the potential to change a person’s life for the better.

“Access to the digital world has the potential to change a person’s life for the better.”

As the digital world continues to expand, it is vital we do not leave these people behind. By leveraging new technologies and fostering collaboration among key stakeholders, we will continue to champion the absolute necessity of digital inclusion. By leading efforts to dismantle barriers to participation in digital society, we hope to make a lasting difference to the lives of people in Manchester.


Digital Inclusion x XMA


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