Supporting the delivery of free Wi-Fi throughout the city centre to increase public connectivity.

Access to technology should be fair and equitable for everyone.

Manchester’s pioneering partnership with JCDeux, a global industry leader in advertising street furniture, has supported provision of free Wi-Fi access throughout the city centre via Community Information Panels (CIPs).

The 22 CIPs, launched in May 2023, extend a digital lifeline to people in our city by granting free and reliable Internet access for communication, work, education, and leisure. Regardless of background or circumstance, everybody in Manchester can use the CIPs to fully participate in life in the city.

In a landscape where access to the Internet impacts every area of our lives, the screens empower citizens to engage with the digital world, opening doors to conversations, culture, information, and new opportunities. In the event of an emergency, the screens have the capacity to quickly relay life-saving messages to people with and without devices, protecting people from harm. The screens’ high-quality, high-speed Wi-Fi enrich existing communication networks to reduce digital exclusion and ensure that nobody is shut out. From maps to weather, cultural events to public services, the screens empower citizens to engage with the digital world around them.

“In a landscape where access to the Internet impacts every area of our lives, the screens empower citizens to engage with the digital world.”

Built-in motion sensors also enable the CIPs to monitor footfall to calculate travel trends, enabling city planners to use the data to inform plans for eco-friendly walking and cycling routes. By using analytics to improve our infrastructure, Manchester’s future can be cleaner, greener and more sustainable.

Initial useage data has been a testament to the project’s success. In September, over 26,000 people made use of the free Wi-Fi provided by the CIPs. Representing a 27% increase since June, this suggests a clear need for easy, safe and equitable access to digital services.

The CIP project strengthens Manchester’s flourishing digital ecosystem by providing opportunities for everyone within the city to use and enjoy online spaces and strengthening connections between services and people. Following the early success of the initiative, it is hoped that provision could be expanded to benefit neighbourhoods across Greater Manchester, transcending the boundaries of the city centre to offer every citizen the opportunity to become a part of our shared digital future.


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