A call to action for developing AI systems and approaches that prioritise human ideals, needs, and participation.

Could AI be used to confront some of the biggest challenges facing society today?

With the advent of publicly accessible generative AI tools, Artificial Intelligence has exploded into the public consciousness in recent years. ChatGPT is now a household name - generating excitement, fear, entertainment, and outrage alongside each sentence. While the use of AI presents certain ethical challenges and risks, it also has potential to unlock extraordinary benefits for our city.

The field of AI is developing rapidly, with the speed of change generating widespread concern about its future impact on careers, businesses, and day-to-day life. We believe that when used ethically, advances in AI can – and should - be leveraged to build a more healthy, prosperous, and sustainable future for Manchester. To ensure that this digital innovation benefits the lives of everyone in our city, we have a responsibility to support approaches that prioritise human values and equitable access. Progress should not come at the expense of our principles.

Our AI for All event is a call to action for developing AI systems and approaches that prioritise human ideals, needs, and participation. We aim to draw together a diverse range of AI professionals, non-profit organisations, community leaders, businesses, and residents to explore the positive impact of artificial intelligence, showcasing UK-wide and local projects that employ AI to tackle key challenges and problems in society. Ethical responsibility will be centred at the heart of discussion; AI cannot be used ‘for good’ if its implementation undermines moral principles.

The event will provide opportunities to hear from leading voices in the field through keynote presentations, project showcases, and panel discussions, while facilitating active participation and collaboration through networking sessions and Q&As. Keynote speakers and panellists will address the ethical implications of AI, human-centred design, strategies for building trust in AI systems, and the need for inclusivity to ensure that AI benefits all of society. 

Growing understanding of ethical and socially responsible use of AI in the local area furthers our Digital Strategy’s commitment to supporting the development of responsible AI policies that place people at their heart. Through highlighting innovative projects that prioritise community benefit and generating opportunities for collaboration, we want to champion applications of AI that are inclusive, equitable, and adequately equipped to serve the people in our city. By working together to build a strong shared vision for AI, we believe that Manchester can become a leading voice in advocating approaches that prioritise positive societal impact.

“To ensure that digital innovation benefits the lives of everyone in our city, we have a responsibility to support approaches that prioritise human values and equitable access.”

When developing our response to AI, it is essential that the voices of the people most likely to be impacted are represented. We cannot hope drive meaningful change without listening to the perspectives, ambitions, and needs of our local communities. To positively impact the lives of everyone in our city, we welcome everyone to participate in our AI for All Event: not only those already working within the tech and digital sectors. We want to uplift citizen voices by inviting residents to join the conversation to actively shape the way we think about AI in Manchester.

By bringing together local communities with experts and innovators from across our digital ecosystem, we want to shift the perception of AI from an advance in technology that is inherently unethical to a potential force to affect positive societal change. We want to further Manchester’s reputation as a centre of excellence for ethical and responsible technology and drive the developing conversation on the responsible, moral use of AI. Through generating exciting opportunities for collaboration, including community-driven solutions - we hope to inspire innovation in AI that has the power to change people’s lives for the better.

If you’d like to find out more about the event, or sign up to get involved, we’d love to hear from you. Head over to our Eventbrite to register for a free ticket!


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