18 families, 3 schools, making a difference.

By collaborating with our amazing refurb partners at Community Computers, we have been able to provide 18 families in 3 schools with laptops, as part of the Making Manchester Fairer Children's and Education Kickstarter.

See some of the impact below

What the children say;

"My mum tells me to go and do my homework and I can just go and do it now. I could never do that before"

"I use it for Purple Mash and Times Tables Rockstars. My older brother uses it for his assignments too and we help each other"

"The laptops help me to learn new things and I can look up things that I have been learning in school too"

"I use the laptop to learn new things about what we are learning in school. It is good that I can look things up"

"I help my mum to look things up too because her phone is not working, she is using it to help her find a new job"

What family members and school say;

“I am so happy and grateful we have a laptop. It has helped me a lot, as everything is online now a days”

"My student has been really worried about not being able to do her home work, but since having the laptop her home work is always complete"

“Getting the laptops has had a positive impact on the children. They can now engage in home learning activities and research and consolidate knowledge”


How Manchester's Libraries promotes Digital Inclusion


Mustard Tree - Mrs A.